加入一个兄弟会/姐妹会有无数的好处,让你有机会在你的大学岁月中成为非凡经历的一部分. 从领导力发展, 社会交往, 学术责任, 公民参与, these characteristics can be found in our sororities and fraternities. Fraternity and Sorority life will give you the opportunity to serve on campus and in our community.



Recruitment is the lifeline of all campus organizations. While the terminology and methods of recruitment differ, all organizations seek growth in order to maintain their presence on campus.



在你的大学生涯中,当做出最好的决定和终身承诺时,有一些疑虑是很正常的. We hope these FAQ will address some of your concerns!


A: A Greek organization is a group of individuals bonded together by common 目标 and values. It is referred to as a Greek organization because the name consists of Greek letters; however, there are organizations whose names are not solely made up of Greek letters. These bonds are created through historical rituals. Rituals are a shared experience between members of the fraternal organization. 当提到希腊字母组织时,更常用的语言是兄弟会(男性)和姐妹会(女性)。. 这些组织有自己的价值观和目标,他们努力通过日常活动灌输给成员.


Q: Do you have to drink to be in a fraternity or sorority?

A: Alcohol abuse is unhealthy and inconsistent with fraternity/sorority ideals. All fraternities/sororities are expected to uphold 状态, 县, 城市法律, as well as university policies regarding the consumption of alcohol. 饮酒从来都不是兄弟会或姐妹会成员的要求,而且有相当大比例的FSL男女不喝酒. No fraternity or sorority is allowed to purchase alcohol for members.


Q: Will joining a fraternity or sorority lower my grades? 

A: 当学生们从高度结构化的高中环境过渡到自由的大学环境时,他们常常发现管理自己的时间很困难. 兄弟会和姐妹会通过提供包括学习伙伴在内的学术项目来帮助这种转变, 学习时间, 时间管理工作坊, 考试和试卷库, 和奖学金. 成员可以访问兄弟会和姐妹会成员的网络,这些成员已经知道如何使用图书馆等校园资源, 学习技能中心, 计算机实验室, 以及学术顾问. LC兄弟会和姐妹会组织对其成员都有最低GPA要求,并将帮助每个成员实现这一要求, although members are still ultimately responsible for utilizing the resources made available.

Q: Hazing is simply a reality among fraternities and sororities. 

A: LC和每个兄弟会和姐妹会生活组织都坚决反对欺侮,因为这是一个组织可以参与的最危险和最具破坏性的行为. 尽管很多人下意识地把“欺侮”这个词和虐待新成员的想法联系在一起, 任何成员都可能成为欺侮的受害者. 欺侮可以被定义为挑出一个人或一群人,强迫他们做一些心理上的事情, 身体上的, 或者是情感上的伤害或伤害. 兄弟会和姐妹会的潜在成员永远不应该被强迫做任何他们觉得不舒服的事情.



A: Each chapter is self-supported through dues charged to all members. In the first year of 会员, a few one-time expenses are assessed. After those initial payments are made, a member's only expense will be his/her regular dues. 这笔费用用于支付校内体育活动, 社区服务项目, 奖学金, 房子的保养, 以及提供的数十种社交活动. 通常会提供多种付款方案.



A: Friendship is not a commodity that can be bought and sold. Fraternities and sororities build lifelong friendships based on common interests, 目标, 信仰与尊重. 

"If you insist I bought my friends then it was the best investment of my life."


Q: Joining a Greek organization requires too much time. 

A: 研究表明,积极参与的大学生更有可能毕业,他们对自己的大学经历也更满意. 通过兄弟会和姐妹会的参与, members will learn how to balance their academic, 工作, 校园的参与, 以及社会承诺. 兄弟会和姐妹会生活社区的成员被强烈鼓励参加任何活动, program or meeting as long as it does not conflict with academic requirements. 运动员, 军乐队成员, 剧院的学生, 学习建筑或工程的学生只是有大量时间承诺的学生中的几个例子,他们经常加入兄弟会和姐妹会. 


Q: Parents cannot be involved in their student's Greek experience. 

A: 家长可以给予支持,并在学生在招聘过程中与人见面时尽可能多地向他们提问. Fraternity and sorority members will be more than happy to tell you about their group. Parents have opportunities to participate through the many family events that each chapter holds. 大多数分会通过时事通讯或其他方式让家庭成员了解分会的最新消息.



A: 兄弟会和姐妹会fe offers everything that university courses do not offer - development of social skills, 领导机会, 从学习中休息一下, 和有趣的! Each fraternity and sorority has numerous social events, 慈善项目, 研讨会, and more - all designed to help you and your resume, 这样你才能成功. 除了, each inter/national fraternity and sorority has an established philanthropy, 或者社区服务项目, 这样可以为慈善机构筹集资金. 这些慈善活动是由北美各大学的成员分会开展的. The community service programs allow chapters to give back to the community. 这些全国设计的服务项目只占兄弟会和姐妹会生活社区实际开展的服务项目的一小部分. 这些社区服务活动项目很有趣,而且往往是社会活动的两倍,因为分会定期为其他组织赞助的活动贡献时间和精力.


Q: You have to be a freshman to be invited to be in a fraternity or sorority. 

A: While most new member classes are comprised of mostly freshmen, students of any class standing (whether it be freshmen, 二年级学生, 初级, 高级, or even graduate students) are welcome in the 兄弟会和姐妹会fe community. 你决定什么时候加入取决于你自己. 有些人喜欢在进入兄弟会和姐妹会生活社区之前熟悉校园和大学生活. Other students see 兄弟会和姐妹会fe as a way to help them do just that. 



A: 兄弟会和姐妹会由来自不同背景和兴趣的男女组成,他们必须学会尊重彼此的个性和差异. For this reason, Fraternity and Sorority men and women are incredibly well rounded. 兄弟会和姐妹会生活社区为个人成长和发展提供了无限的机会.


问:希腊男人和女人只在一起聚会. 他们根本不在乎对方. 

A当前位置兄弟会的男生互称“兄弟”,姐妹会的女生互称“姐妹”,因为她们是兄弟会大家庭的一员. Through their fraternity and sorority 会员, they develop a sense of family and lifelong friendship. Members provide each other with incredible emotional support and a home away from home.


Q: Fraternities and sororities are not conducive to spiritual development. 

A: Many members are involved in university-wide religious groups. No FSL organization should prevent a student from practicing his/her faith.


Q: Joining a chapter eliminates the ability to develop friendships with other students on campus. 

A: Interaction with students in and out of the FSL community happens all the time. 朋友有很多不同的方式,兄弟会和姐妹会生活社区的成员被鼓励与可能不隶属于兄弟会组织的学生建立跨委员会友谊和友谊. 



威尼斯人娱乐城旨在促进一个安全的环境,学生可以参加活动和组织,而不会损害他们的健康, 安全, 或福利. Hazing in any form is against the law and is strictly prohibited at 威尼斯人娱乐城大学. 当这个政策被违反时, 可能对所有参与者采取行动, 包括潜在的新成员. Prevention of hazing is the responsibility of every member of the College community. 每个组织, 以及每个人, must accept the personal obligation to uphold the basic community values.

任何人经历, 见证, 或者知道违反本欺侮政策的人有责任报告事件,并可能将他们的担忧提交给:

Dr. 克里肯纳
Associate Vice President for Student Experience and Dean of Students
(706) 880-8112

乔治亚州现行的欺侮法(G.S. 16-5-61)规定,“任何人为了获得录取而欺骗任何学生,或以此作为获得录取的条件或先决条件,都是非法的。, 会员, 办公室, 或者在学校组织的其他职位.“任何做法, 仪式, 行为, 或者是就职仪式, 要求或允许精神或身体上的痛苦, 是被禁止的. 具体地说, hazing is defined as any action taken or situation created, 有意或无意, 校内或校外, which could be reasonably expected to produce mental or physical discomfort, 尴尬, 骚扰, 嘲笑, 违反学校规章制度的行为, the violation of the laws or policies of the parent organization and/or the violation of any local, 状态, 和/或国家法律. All rules and regulations of 威尼斯人娱乐城大学 as well as local, 状态, and national laws shall supersede those policies of national or local organizations. 所有评估行动的适当性将考虑在整个大学社区的标准范围内.

活动 considered to be hazing shall include one or both of the following elements: (a) Coercion, 公开的或隐蔽的, and (b) production of physical or mental discomfort in either the participants or spectators. 一个团体或一个团体的成员向潜在的新成员建议的这种活动将被视为隐蔽的强迫,即使该活动被称为“自愿”.“任何人为了获得录取而欺骗任何学生,或者以此作为获得录取的条件或先决条件,都是违法的。, 会员, 办公室, 或者是大学组织的其他职位.

Additional Hazing Prevention Resources can be found at HazingPrevention.Org.