作为一个学术机构,致力于挑战思想,激发学生的灵魂, 威尼斯人娱乐城大学 treats with great seriousness any situation where a student exhibits behaviors indicating that the student may be a potential threat to self, 其他人, 或财产, 和/或从事可能干扰该机构学术进程的行为.  对自己的威胁是连续存在的, 包括有致命意图的自杀行为或没有致命意图的自残行为.  不管是哪种潜在的威胁行为, 即使是开玩笑, are considered serious matters and will receive appropriate clinical attention from authorized personnel as they pose a threat to the academic processes of the College.

威尼斯人娱乐城大学’s Administrative Withdrawal Policy may be utilized in the following situations: (a) when the student engages in behavior or threatens to engage in behavior that poses a potential threat to self, 其他人, 或财产; (b) when the impaired functioning of a student is sufficiently disturbing so as to interfere with the educational process of other constituents and/or the orderly operation of the College; and (c) when a student has failed to satisfy requirements of a prior Interim Disciplinary Action issued by the College.

It must be noted that the College’s administrative withdrawal policy is intended to apply to all students in a nondiscriminatory fashion.  Students with documented disabilities on file with the institution or who later provide such documentation to the institution will receive an individualized assessment.  This assessment may first be conducted by a qualified College employee such as a licensed counselor to make determinations based on observations of the student’s conduct, 行动, 以及声明, 而不是刻板印象或毫无根据的恐惧.  The College may also require consultations with qualified healthcare professionals to assist the institution judge the risk of substantial harm.  Such assessments will enable the institution to determine if the individual is “otherwise qualified” to remain on campus or take classes based on the student’s observed conduct, 行动, and statements; decisions will not be based on a slightly increased, 投机, 或者有严重伤害的危险.  整个评估过程, College officials and consulting qualified healthcare professionals will also evaluate what reasonable accommodations, 如果法律允许, 可以提供给学生吗.

Determinations as to when the circumstances meet the conditions of this policy shall be made by the Vice President for Enrollment Management and 学生的经验 在咨询中心主任的意见下, 负责学术事务的副校长, 或任何其他合适的学院人员.  在这种情况下,副校长负责招生管理 & 学生服务部寻求实施行政撤职政策, 可能出现以下一种情况:

  1. Voluntary or Involuntary Referral for Evaluation – The student may be referred for clinical services by a licensed physician and/or mental health provider in the community. 与评估相关的任何费用将不由学院承担.  如果发生这种情况, the student must submit the identity and credentials of the professional to the Vice President for Enrollment Management & 学生服务审批.  The student must also authorize the College to have permission to speak with the professional prior to and following the evaluation and/or treatment.  在求值的情况下, the student must permit the professional to provide the College with a copy of the evaluation results as well as any treatment plan recommended.  The College may mandate that the student follow any treatment plan recommended as a condition of continued enrollment.  任何未能按要求完成评估过程的学生都将被退学,具体情况如下.  接受评估后,招生管理副校长 & 学生事务处可自行决定:
    1. 允许学生在没有强制治疗的情况下继续学习.
    2. Allow the student to continue pending on-going treatment (failure to comply with required treatment may result in withdrawal) or other accommodations deemed appropriate if applicable.
    3. 允许学生因医疗原因休学.
    4. 实施临时行政撤回.
    5. 将该学生开除出学院.
    6. 根据具体情况确定其他适当的行动.
  2. Medical Withdrawals – A student who elects to take a medical withdrawal after being contacted with conditions under this policy may be required by 入学s to submit documentation from the Vice President of Enrollment Management and 学生的经验 or designee verifying that the student is eligible to reenroll.
  3. 临时行政撤销——招生管理副校长 & 学生的经验 or designee may place a student on an interim administrative withdrawal at his/her discretion under this policy. The College may also place a student on an interim administrative withdrawal pending the completion of a referral for evaluation and corresponding decision by the institution and/or for failure to meet any conditions issued under a Disciplinary Interim Action.  撤回通知可由本人发出, 通过电话, 通过挂号信, 或电邮至学生的学院电邮帐户.  招生管理副校长 & 学生的经验 or designee has the discretion to issue the interim administrative withdrawal for a designated period of time, 直到完成条件发出, 或者两者的结合.  在撤离期间, the student may be denied access to College property without written permission from the Vice President for Enrollment Management & 学生的经验, 进入宿舍或学术课程, 或学生可能有资格获得的特权.

在临时行政撤回后, re-enrollment may be requested after demonstrated evidence that the conditions stipulated have been met or after the expiration of any time limit imposed at the time of the withdrawal - whichever is longer.  An on-campus interview with appropriate personnel may be required before authorization for re-admittance is issued to 入学s, 如果有必要的话.

  1. 行政撤回-如果, 根据现有的证据和/或提交给学生考虑, 这是招生管理副校长的意见 & 学生的经验, 在咨询中心主任的意见下, 负责学术事务的副校长, 或其他适当的医务人员, 这个学生构成了潜在的危险, the student may be placed on an administrative withdrawal for a designated period of time (typically a period of semesters or years). 行政撤回后, 招生管理副校长授权 & 学生的经验 or designee must be issued before the student can be considered for readmission from the College’s admission staff.
  2. 开除学生-如果, 根据现有的证据和/或提交给学生考虑, 这是负责招生管理的副校长的意见 & 学生的经验, 在咨询中心主任的意见下, 负责学术事务的副校长, 或其他适当的医务人员, 该学生构成了重大风险, 该学生可能被学校永久开除,没有重新入学的可能.